Juuni Kokuki or often known as Juuni Kokki, or also the Twelve Kingdoms, is a novel series by Ono Fuyumi, and published by Kodansha. So far there are seven titles published, the last one in 2001. The series is not yet complete, and all I could do is praying that she would somehow continue and finish this story, at least before I completely lose my interest. This blog is created to accommodate my needs to spill all of my opinions, thoughts, speculations, and wishes for this series. To know more about Juuni Kokuki, please just google. In short it's a fantasy story about another world that is somehow linked to Japan and China, and consists of 12 countries ruled by emperors and one country ruled directly by the heavens. It's also a story about Taiki. This story had been made into incomplete 45 episodes anime, which is a wonderful and must watch anime anyway. Since there are lots of countries to talk about, there are many characters in this story. Taiki, Gyousou, Enki, Shouryuu, Youko, Risai, Rakushun are only few of the characters. Just in case you're a newbee in this fantasy world fandom, pay attention to a very fine character named Taiki.
I'm also going to post my own translations of some Juuni kokuki novels that I'd bought, and probably I'll start with Higashi no Wadatsumi, Nishi no Soukai. Or Tasogare no Kishi, Akatsuki no Sora. Or Kasho no Yume. Depends on my mood and other things. And I will not start from the beginning of the books, since there are translations all over the internet already and I'm too lazy to start from the beginnning.
Edit: Of course it will be Tasogare no Kishi, Akatsuki no Sora first
I'm also going to post my own translations of some Juuni kokuki novels that I'd bought, and probably I'll start with Higashi no Wadatsumi, Nishi no Soukai. Or Tasogare no Kishi, Akatsuki no Sora. Or Kasho no Yume. Depends on my mood and other things. And I will not start from the beginning of the books, since there are translations all over the internet already and I'm too lazy to start from the beginnning.
Edit: Of course it will be Tasogare no Kishi, Akatsuki no Sora first
Higashi no Wadatsumi please! It's the only one for which I have been unable to find a translation. Thanks for all your hard work. Ganbatte onegai shimasu!
She recently (in Feb) released a short story as a continuation!
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